Feminists believe they are equal to men, but this is simply not true.
Women were made from Adam's rib and therefore are smaller, have smaller brains, are weaker and are inferior to men in every way.
It is difficult for women to grasp this concept however and are jealous of man's power, man's intellect and the male penis.
As a result feminists are much more likely to be lesbians and resort to "Amazonism" in their hatred and jealousy of men. They will murder men, castrate their penises and take the jobs of men unless they are taught to be humble and learn their place.
In an alternate version of the Book of Genesis Adam had a first wife, named Lilith. Lilith refused to take Adam's orders and lie under him in the missionary position so God cursed her, turned her into a demon and had two of his angels chase her out of Eden. Afterwards he made Eve out of Adam's rib.
Lilith is a succubus and now stalks the earth killing men and babies, which is what feminists do as well.
Don't allow your wife to have an abortion. It is a sin to murder even an unborn child and she will burn in Hell for following the path of Lilith.
Don't allow your wife to kill your children. She has a small brain and gets confused easily.
Don't allow your wife to get a divorce. Getting a divorce is a path of sin, harlotry and will result in your children becoming homosexuals and prostitutes.