Bikinis and swimwear that show off too much of a woman's body are sins. They turn the human body into a false icon and must be destroyed.
They also promote prostitution, harlotry and pornography.
Only porn stars and prostitutes wear such things.
Don't allow your wife or daughters to wear bikinis or revealing swimwear. They are sinning and don't realize it.
It is a slippery slope and before you know it they are committing adultery and prostituting themselves for mere money.
If your wife and daughters want to swim make certain they wear swimwear that covers them fully, reveals none of their buttocks, breasts or navel. Even the tiny bellybutton can drive rapists and lechers into a sexual frenzy and they will not think twice about seducing, raping or kidnapping your wife and daughters for their sexual sins.
Make certain your wife and daughter also wear a swimcap to cover up the sexuality of their hair.
If at all possible, insist they swim in private women-only pools with no males present. Don't trust lifeguards even if they are gay. Homosexuals are sexual perverts who will stop at nothing to pervert the minds of your children by performing mouth to mouth with them.
Don't allow your children to practice mouth to mouth with other boys or girls either. This could lead to your children becoming homosexuals.
With the power and wisdom or the Lord God however you will be able to control your women and keep them on the straight path to Heaven.
Praise Jesus!