Don't let your children play Dungeons and Dragons. The "roleplaying game" is the first step in an initiation practice for introducing young people to satanism.
In the game children practice satanic witchcraft and cast black magic which they don't realize is real. Before you know it they are secretly casting real black magic spells in their basement and communing with the devil.
To safeguard your children:
Take them to church at least 3 times per week to talk to a priest or minister.
Don't let them play Dungeons and Dragons ever.
Don't let them read Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings or any fantasy books.
Fantasy books are the tools of the devil and undermine the sanctity of religion.
Burn every fantasy book you find. Boycott any store that sells fantasy books for they are obviously either satan worshippers in disguise or are unaware of the satanic properties of fantasy books.
If you catch your children reading fantasy books beat them with a rod no bigger than your thumb or spank them with the palm of your hand twenty times. If you find other children playing Dungeons and Dragons burn the books and tell their parents you caught them practicing witchcraft and advice them to punish their children accordingly or else you won't be letting your children play with their children.
Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons and Dragons, is a satan worshipper and anything he says is a lie.
Praise Jesus!