Doomsday is coming and the world is heating up as the fires of Hell draw closer.
Environmental scientists all think it is global warming caused by greenhouse gases, but this science is a false icon. The real reason is because Hell has become closer to Earth and the day of reckoning draws closer.
We have all seen the signs of September 11th and the false prophet by the name of Osama bin Laden. It is only a matter of time before we face off in the final battle against the forces of evil Satan.
Environmentalists may seem all nice and everything, with their vegetarianism and their love of animals, but beastiality is a sin and they have been sucked in the evils of marijuana and too much cocaine. They don't know what they are saying because it is actually they who have become polluted by the lies of Satan and his worshippers.
Don't concern yourself with ideas of global catastrophe. When the day of reckoning comes we true Christians, all 144,000 of us from the 12 tribes of Israel, will be sucked up into Heaven for a 1000 years and when we return we shall defeat Satan's forces.
Global warming and climate change are complete hoaxes and lies based on false information. They are nothing compared to the power of the Lord God.
Praise Jesus!