Atheists are everywhere these days and even though they claim to believe in God sometimes they nevertheless continue sinning constantly and refusing to listen to the word of the Lord God.
They follow false icons and false gods, reading about greek mythology, aliens and other such garbage.
They watch TV shows like American Idol and Canadian Idol.
They worship celebrities instead of the Lord God.
They take the Lord's name in vain and swear and curse like heathens.
They work and play on the Sabbath day, which is meant to be kept Holy.
They dishonour their parents by dating without a chaperone, swear to their parent's face, tell dirty jokes and disobey their parents constantly.
They play video games and watch movies that exult violence, sex, murder, rape, theft and prostitution.
They lie about their schoolwork, their lives, their dirty little secrets like masturbation and how many times they've had sex with a condom before marriage.
They are greedy and desire everything, even to the point of theft.
In conclusion they may say they believe in the Lord God, but most of them won't even be able to recite the Ten Commandments, the most basic of God's edicts.
They are not "suggestions", they are COMMANDMENTS.
You do them or else you are an atheist and you go to Hell.