Women are vane about the appearance and that pride is a sin.
To keep your women more humble I recommend buying small mirrors so they cannot see all their face.
Also restrict them in their monetary wealth so they cannot spend too much on cosmetics.
Expensive shampoos, lipstick, lipgloss, makeup and all that are signs of a harlot and an adulteress. Allowing your daughter or wife to wear such things increases her freedom and increases the likelihood of her becoming a prostitute.
To prevent this only allow them enough money to buy the most basic things like soap and shampoo.
If you find any products other than that I recommend burning them and giving your wife/daughters a stern talking to so they understand that you are the man of the house and will not be disobeyed or cheated on.
Jesus will not look fondly on you if you fail to keep the sin of pride away from your women.